Château Roc de Cambes

Château Roc de Cambes

It is reported that when François Mitjavile first visited Roc de Cambes he put his finger in the ground and decided to buy the estate there and then. The soils are clay and limestone and are slow to warm up in the spring, which results in a naturally long growing season. François has transformed the fortunes of this property by bringing his wine-making philosophy and all his technical know-how from Tertre Roteboeuf and applying the same principles to this fabulous site. Key to the success has been controlling the vines' vigour. Yields here are low by Bordeaux standards (35hl/ha in 2009). Another of François' key principles is a late harvest. Allegedly, he instructed his vineyard manager Tayat Abderrahmane to delay the harvest of his first crop (the 1988 vintage) until François was satisfied that the grapes were fully ripe. Poor Tayat became the brunt of many a joke from neighbouring labourers who had long since finished bringing their grapes in before François and Tayat had even commenced. Their derision was unfounded; when the wines were tasted it was clear that Roc de Cambes had set a new standard in the Côtes de Bourg. And to this day it is unrivalled in this commune.


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