A large field with a sunset

Provenance in fine wine

Provenance in Fine Wine

Row of trees

The Journey

Justerinis is the first merchant to ensure every case of wine stored in Cellarers Ltd has a unique identifier and customer’s name, which no other Merchant does. These details are printed and placed on every case which is logged and recorded under your account name and kept in the world’s most renowned storage facility, Octavian in Corsham.


This information is sent from our systems to the warehouse every day to ensure the trail of ownership is verified and upheld.


While customer reserves are stored in Corsham, our physical stocks are kept in Hoddesdon, a geographical separation between Cellarers Ltd and Justerinis.

The Facts

Cellarers Ltd is a legally separate limited company from Justerini & Brooks which currently holds £200 million worth of customer reserves.


It is fully insured to catastrophic loss.


We do not ship over the summer months to avoid harsh shipment conditions and we do not purchase wine from auctions.


Every five years Buckingham Palace reviews their Royal warrants and it is the quality of service they evaluate. Providing the right wines, in the right conditions, at the right time is a service our clients have come to expect from us. And as a result we are proud to be delivering this service to eight consecutive monarchs over 270 years.

Cellarers Wines Limited is audited by KPMG every year.


Enquire Now

For more information on Cellarers (Wines) Ltd. or any of our services, please contact our team.

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