Powerful and textured yet with a wonderful lightness of touch. Clear mineral flavours, not in any way agggressive, a lovely peach and nectarine ripeness, notes of salt, smoky slate with bright ripe fruit, juicy orange notes. Ethereal and showing tremendous balance. 2011 was a year of very little botyrtis but great intensity flavour, lower Auslese was the lightest concentration level the estate had, even for the Kabinett-destined grapes. The Rausch is an imposing vineyard of the highest quality that overlooks Saarburg. Its combination of thin blue mosel-type slate and diavas which is heavier, harder slate gives wines of textured, salty power and clear, mineral flavours. Apart from the basic estate wines everything here is the result of spontaneous, wild yeast ferment, the resultant wines, which aged in large old wooden barrels, are therefore packed full of complex terroir character.
2017 · White Wine · Riesling
Saarburger Rausch, Riesling, Auslese
Inc VAT£262.39
61 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LZ
Reg. Company No: 68576
AWRS URN: XPAW00000105319
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